security, Authentication Failure, Encrypting Sessions, SSH/OpenSSH, SSH/OpenSSH
OpenSSH, Encrypting Sessions
Stunnel, SSH/OpenSSH
SELECT, COPY TO, Using Case Expressions
INTO TABLE, Using Case Expressions
sequences, The money type, Automating Common Routines, Automating Common Routines, Destroying a sequence
creating, Automating Common Routines
destroying, Destroying a sequence
(see also serial data type)
serial data type, The money type
SET, Date conventions
SHOW, Date conventions
special character symbols, Special Character Symbols, Special Character Symbols, Special Character Symbols
operators, Special Character Symbols
punctuation, Special Character Symbols
SQL, Understanding SQL, Understanding SQL, A Brief History of SQL, A Brief History of SQL, SQL and Its Predecessors, SQL and Its Predecessors, SQL and Its Predecessors, SQL and Its Predecessors, SQL and Its Predecessors, SQL and Its Predecessors, SQL and Its Predecessors, SQL and Its Predecessors, Understanding Databases, SQL Statements, SQL Statements, SQL Statements, The Anatomy of a SQL Statement, Token Formatting Considerations, Token Formatting Considerations, Keywords and Identifiers, Keywords and Identifiers, Quoted identifiers, Identifier validity, Identifier validity, Constants, String constants, Bit string constants, Integer constants, Floating-point constants, Special Character Symbols, Special Character Symbols, Operator symbols, Data Types, Data Types, Date conventions, Array constants, Editing the query ...

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