© Frank Zammetti 2018
Frank ZammettiPractical React Nativehttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-3939-1_4

4. Restaurant Chooser, Part 2

Frank Zammetti1 
Pottstown, PA, USA

In the previous chapter, we began dissecting the Restaurant Chooser application, to see what makes it tick. You looked at the basic structure of the code at a high level, the main entry point code, and the Restaurants screens (which, by extension, effectively showed you the People screen, because the code is practically identical to that of the Restaurants screen).

That leaves a sizable chunk of the code to look at, the main code, really, in the Decision screen. This screen is, in fact, a group of screens (or sub-screens, as I’ve been calling them thus far): It’s Decision Time, Who’s ...

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