Elliptic filters
The following small subset of tables with their schematics are reprinted with permission from ‘On the Design of Filters by Synthesis’ by R. Saal and E. Ulbricht, IRE Transactions on Circuit Theory, December 1958, pp. 284-328. ((c) 1958 IRE (now IEEE)). The tables are normalized to f = 1 rad/s = 1/(2p) Hz, Z0 = 1 O,L in henrys, C in farads.
(Note: In using the following tables with the schematics, for example, for schematic (a) below corresponds with the top line of column headings of Tables A10.1–3. Similarly, schematic (b) corresponds with the bottom line of column headings of the tables.)
Table A10.1
AP = 1dB
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