
I am grateful for the support and encouragement received from Wiley during the publication of this new book and I especially recognize those people who have worked behind the scenes to facilitate the entire process. After many years of tentative preparation, this adventure finally took flight when Tiina Ruonamaa recognized a new author and convinced others to buy into the project. Dan Sayre has expertly guided the entire process and during the development stage deftly nudged the content in directions that I would not otherwise have anticipated. I shall miss the midnight emails from Jolene Ling who has led her production team to produce this wonderful printed volume in its final form.

Many years ago I learned a great deal about practical signals analysis from Dr. T. J. Kennett who remains a role model in my academic career. This manuscript was first adopted in the classroom by someone other than myself when Dr. P. A. Parker chose this material for his course and in doing so prompted me to revise and to rewrite my class notes in LaTex form and using MATLAB. Those who remember Toby Tervo will recognize the ways in which he provided support during many long hours working on the final manuscript. Finally, to my colleagues and friends who have endured endless tales about Richard “working on a book”, I am happy to announce that it is finally here.

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