Creating Copies of Data

In this chapter we stressed that views are not copies of data but rather virtual tables with no physical data associated with them. If an independent copy of data is what you want, check to see what your system provides. At a minimum, you can create a new table and then INSERT data from an existing table (your system may use a different datatype for price).

create table bizprices
(title_id      char(6)          not null ,
price          numeric(8,2)     null)
[table created]

insert into bizprices
select title_id, price
					from titles
					where type = 'business'
					[4 rows]

select *
from bizprices
title_id      price
======== ==========
BU1032        29.99
BU1111        21.95
BU2075        12.99
BU7832        29.99
[4 rows]

This technique is useful for creating test tables, new tables ...

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