© Sri Manikanta Palakollu 2021
S. M. PalakolluPractical System Programming with Chttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-6321-1_6

6. Interprocess Communication

Sri Manikanta Palakollu1 
freelance, Hanuman Junction, Hanuman Junction, 521105, Andhra Pradesh, India
Interprocess communication (IPC) is a mechanism that is widely used in an operating system to effectively access shared data. This mechanism is very important to the design process of microkernel and nanokernel development. An IPC mechanism is usually seen in a distributed computing environment, but it is also widely used in traditional computing environments. There are two types of IPC mechanisms: synchronous and asynchronous. In this chapter, you learn about the various techniques that achieve ...

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