© Juan De Dios Santos Rivera 2020
J. D. D. S. RiveraPractical TensorFlow.jshttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-6273-3_10

10. Generating handwritten digits with generative adversarial networks

Juan De Dios Santos Rivera1 
San Juan, PR, USA

In Chapter 9, we delved into the generative and creative side of deep learning. There, we used two recurrent neural networks to forecast and generate classical-looking passages of text. But text data, or generally speaking, sequential data, is not the only thing that these neural networks can create. Images are possible too.

If there is a recent and radical algorithm that has taken over the machine learning field, it has to be the generative adversarial networks (Goodfellow et al., 2014), or GANs. GANs—which ...

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