Other Computer References
The following books and articles are of general interest to all practitioners of computer security, with Unix or other operating systems.
Computer Crime and Law
Freedman, David H., and Charles C. Mann. @ Large; New York, NY, 1997. A story about a huge computer crime spree caused entirely by two people. This incident spawned the FBI Computer Crime Squad, some FIRST teams, and the writing of the Tripwire tool at Purdue.
Icove, David, Karl Seger, and William VonStorch, Computer Crime: A Crimefighter’s Handbook , Sebastopol, CA: O’Reilly & Associates, 1995. A popular rewrite of an FBI training manual. Dated and out of print (though available as used), but with some worthy material.
Power, Richard. Tangled Web; Indianapolis, IN, Que, 2002. A collection of stories of cybercrime and investigation. Cites a number of statistics to give a snapshot of the problem.
Computer-Related Risks
Leveson, Nancy G. Safeware: System Safety and Computers. A Guide to Preventing Accidents and Losses Caused by Technology. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley, 1995. This textbook contains a comprehensive exploration of the dangers of computer systems, and explores ways in which software can be made more fault-tolerant and safety-conscious.
Neumann, Peter G. Computer Related Risks. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley, 1995. Dr. Neumann moderates the Internet RISKS mailing list. This book is a collection of the most important stories passed over the mailing list since its creation.
Computer Viruses ...
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