Understanding Unix Internet Servers and Services
Most Unix network services are provided by individual programs called servers. For a server to operate, it must be assigned a protocol (e.g., TCP or UDP), be assigned a port number, and somehow be started.
The /etc/services File
As we saw in the last chapter, most Internet services are assigned a specific port for their exclusive use. When a client opens a connection across the network to a server, the client uses the port to specify which service it wishes to use. These ports are called well-known ports because they need to be known in advance by both the client and the server. Unix uses the /etc/services file as a small local database; for each service this file specifies the service’s well-known port number and notes whether the service is available as a TCP or UDP service. The /etc/services file is distributed as part of the Unix operating system.
The information in the /etc/services file is derived from Internet RFCs[132] and other sources. Some of the services listed in the /etc/services file are no longer in widespread use; nevertheless, their names still appear in the file.
The following is an excerpt from the /etc/services file that specifies the ports for the Telnet, SMTP, and Network Time Protocol (NTP) services:
# /etc/services # . . . telnet 23/tcp smtp 25/tcp mail time 37/udp timeserver . . .
Each line gives the canonical name of the service, the port number and protocol, and any aliases for the service name. As ...
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