© Adrian W. West 2016

Adrian W. West, Practical Web Design for Absolute Beginners, 10.1007/978-1-4842-1993-5_8

8. Rollover Menu Buttons

Adrian W. West

(1)Colyton, UK

Although they worked well, the menus in previous chapters were very plain and not very professional. In this chapter we will use CSS to improve the menu’s function and appearance. This chapter contains the following sections:

  • Improving the appearance of the menu hyperlinks

  • Explanation of the code

  • Add the rollover feature

  • Create 3D buttons with a rollover feature

  • Insert 3D-colored menu buttons into a web page

  • Summary

For this lesson you need to create a new folder to contain the code for Chapter 8. Please follow these steps :

  1. In the web-tutorial folder, create a new folder named Chapter-8. ...

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