Chapter 10

Decoding Algebra Word Problems


Check Solving algebra word problems in simple steps

Check Working through solving an algebra word problem

Check Choosing variables

Check Using charts

Word problems that require algebra are among the toughest problems that students face — and the most common. Teachers just love algebra word problems because they bring together a lot of what you know, such as solving algebra equations (Chapters 8 and 9) and turning words into numbers (Chapters 3 and 7). Standardized tests virtually always include these types of problems.

In this chapter, I show you a five-step method for using algebra to solve word problems. Then I give you a bunch of examples that take you through all five steps.

Along the way, I give you some tips that make solving word problems easier. First, I show you how to choose a variable that makes your equation as simple as possible. Next, I give you practice organizing information from the problem into a chart. By the end of this chapter, you should have a solid understanding of how to solve a wide variety of algebra word problems.

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