Chapter 17

Relating Conics to Sliced Cones


Bullet Spinning around with circles

Bullet Dissecting the parts and graphs of parabolas

Bullet Exploring the ellipse

Bullet Boxing around with hyperbolas

Bullet Writing and graphing conics in two distinct forms

Astronomers have been looking out into space for a very long time — longer than you’ve been staring at that caramel-covered ice cream cone. Some of the things that are happening out in space are mysteries; others have shown their true colors to curious observers. One phenomenon that astronomers have discovered and proven is about the movement of bodies in space. They know that the paths of objects moving in space are shaped like one of four conic sections (shapes made from cones): the circle, the parabola, the ellipse, or the hyperbola. Conic sections have evolved into popular ways to describe motion, light, and other natural occurrences in the physical world.

In astronomical terms, an ellipse, for example, describes the path of a planet around the ...

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