Chapter 1
Work-related stress is a major challenge facing organizations. While there are numerous books focusing on work stress, few consider the vital role line managers take in preventing, managing and reducing stress at work. This book aims to be a resource to support line managers in the challenging task of managing stress in others. Moreover, our approach focuses on Positive Manager Behaviour and through this we aim to enhance the portfolio of behaviours managers can use to manage work-related stress and develop a positive team and working environment.
This book draws from 5 years worth of research conducted by the authors and many more years worth of consultancy working with organizations, line managers and employees in the area of stress, health and performance. Here, we have distilled the relevant theory and research literature and combined it with practical learning and case studies developed from our work.
Chapters 1 to 4 introduce work-related stress, how stress can be managed and the line manager's role in effective stress management. These initial chapters aim to provide those new to the area with a backdrop to the chapters that follow, while also providing some quick-view material for those already familiar with the area of work-related stress. This information can be used when developing training or awareness materials for use in your organization.
Chapters 5 to 8 introduce the Positive Manager Behaviours and provide detailed case studies, exercises ...