© George Calhoun 2020
G. CalhounPrice and Valuehttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-5552-0_3

3. Valuation Ratios

George Calhoun1 
Jersey City, NJ, USA
The market ratios commonly used for enterprise valuation include the following (Table 3-1).
Table 3-1

Valuation Ratio Characteristics


3.1 Trailing P/E, or P/Ettm

The Trailing Price/Earnings ratio is the original market valuation metric:1
$$ \frac{price/ share}{earnings/{share}_{ttm}} $$

Price (P) refers to the current market price of the company’s shares.2

Earnings-per-sharettm (E) is a ratio of the “Earnings” reported by the company in the prior year to the ...

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