Amplifiers: Cascading Stages
A very weak signal cannot be sufciently amplied by a single stage amplier, like
those we have dealt with so far—ampliers made only of a single biased transistor
forming a complete network. Single-stage transistor ampliers can be inadequate
for meeting most design requirements for any of the four amplier types (voltage,
current, transresistance, and transconductance). If a microphone produces about
20 mV under normal conditions, you will need a single stage of amplication, but
if it produces only 1 mV, you will need two or more stages of amplication, that is,
a multistage amplier, to provide greater amplication than a single stage could
provide by itself.
In the previous chapters, we dealt with congurations with two transistors,
such as the Darlington pair (Section 13.1.1 in Chapter 13), current source
(Section 13.1.2), cascode ampliers (Section 13.3), and differential ampliers
(Section 13.4), which can be considered “similar-multistage,” since you cannot
“isolate” a single transistor, with its own bias network, forming a complete isolated
amplier. Real multistage can be considered more properly as a cascade of single
We treated single stages made of a single BJT congured as C.E. or C.C. or C.B.,
and single stages made of a single MOSFET congured as C.S. or C.D. or C.G.
When considering a multistage amplier, the choice of the number of stages to
be cascaded, and the choice of the type of transistors to be used and their relative
conguration, strictly depends on the application, so no “golden rule” exists. But
we can take into account the requested overall gain and the matching conditions
that we need to satisfy. Useful rules of thumb can come from the general informa-
tion furnished in Tables 11.6 and 11.7 of Chapter 11, and from the observation
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Principles of Analog Electronics
that, in general, the MOSFET has a higher input resistance than a BJT, which, in
turn, can provide lower output resistances.
Since a BJT type transistor can be congured as a C.E., C.B., or C.C. topology,
it follows that two stages can be arranged according to nine different combina-
tions: C.E.–C.E., C.E.–C.B. (see the cascode), C.E.–C.C., C.B.–C.E., C.B.–C.B.,
C.B.–C.C., C.C.–C.E., C.C.–C.B. (see the differential amplier), and C.C.–C.C. (see
theDarlington pair). But, of course, some combinations are more useful than oth-
ers. This is because we have to ensure the required overall gain and, thus, the right
resistance (or impedance) matching. So, the n-stage’s output resistance
and the
n 1
stage’s input resistance
must be in the proper ratio:
,1 ,
in on
,1 ,
in on
, depending on the type of requested gain.
Regarding the rst three combinations with C.E. as the rst stage, we have that
C.E.–C.E. is useful to obtain a high voltage gain, C.E.–C.C. has a good voltage gain
and a low output resistance, and C.E.–C.B. (cascode) has a good voltage gain and
a large bandwidth. But a C.E. amplier cannot drive a low resistance (or imped-
ance) load directly, otherwise it will be overloaded, because of its typical of AC
output resistance value. So C.C. as a second buffer stage between the C.E. ampli-
er and the load prevents the overloading effect.
A useful general reference table is shown in Table 14.1.
The designer sometimes prefers to realize double-stage ampliers using npn-
and pnp-type BJTs. This is because the temperature sensitivity of the amplier
can be greatly reduced. The reason relies on the subtraction of the voltage drifts
with temperature variations of the two BJTs, since each transistor behaves in
opposition, due to the opposite nature of npn versus pnp.
Each stage can be treated as a two-port network, so the stages can be hooked
up according to different types of interconnections: series, parallel, and cascade
(Section5.5 in Chapter 5). Series and parallel types generally involve non-trivial
mathematical calculations, so the cascade type is usually preferred.
The way the connection between two following stages is realized is called the
coupling method.
The coupling can be realized directly, so that the output of the previous stage
is connected to the input of the following stage without any additional circuitry, or
can be realized by means of ad-hoc circuitry.
Coupling capacitors, inductors, and transformers causes low frequency gain
loss in multistage ampliers. This is for series coupling capacitors, because of their
TABLE 14.1
Characteristics of Some Double-Stage Configurations
Stages Input resistance Output resistance Voltage gain
C.E.–C.E. Medium Medium Very high
C.E.–C.B. Medium High High
C.E.–C.C. Medium Low Medium
C.C.–C.E. High Medium Medium
C.C.–C.C. Very high Very low < 1
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