© Matthias Noback 2018
Matthias NobackPrinciples of Package Designhttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-4119-6_7

7. The Common Reuse Principle

Matthias Noback1 
Zeist, The Netherlands

In Chapter 6, we discussed the Release/Reuse Equivalence principle. It’s the first principle of package cohesion: it tells an important part of the story about which classes belong together in a package, namely those that you can properly release and maintain as a package. You need to take care of delivering a package that is a true product.

If you follow all the advice given in the previous chapter, you will have a well-behaving package. It has great usability and it’s easily available, so it will be quickly adopted by other developers. But even when a package behaves ...

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