Fourier Transforms and Spectral
Analysis of Deterministic Signals
The chapter is devoted to the frequency-domain analysis of signals with the main objective
of introducing the concept of power spectrum. The focus topics of this chapter are Fourier
representations, power spectral density and the correlation theorem, all of these set up in the
context of deterministic signals. We shall also briefly introduce the notions of cross power
spectrum and coherence. The concepts learnt in this chapter lay the foundations for Chapter
11 concerning stochastic processes.
In Chapter 8 we learnt how to characterize random signals (processes) in terms of their time-domain
statistical properties, specifically, using correlation functions. Subsequently, Chapter 9 oered time-
domain parametric descriptions of linear stationary and integrating type processes.
A radically dierent route of describing and analyzing these signals takes us through the fre-
quency domain using the Fourier transform, popularly known as spectral representations. Compre-
hending the associated theory becomes considerably easier once we understand the machinery in the
framework of deterministic signals. With this idea, we devote this chapter to the Fourier transforms
and spectral analysis of deterministic processes. Spectral representations of random signals are then
taken up in Chapter 11.
Transforms are essentially change of basis of representation. The Fourier transform is based on
the use of sinusoidal basis functions, which are pure tone waveforms. A natural question is whether
this new representation of signals oers any theoretical and/or practical benefits over the regular
time-domain counterpart?
Fourier transform of signals brings with it several benefits to the fields of signal processing
and identification. Central to these applications are the concepts of spectral density function and
phase spectrum. The notion of spectral density is also vital to the milestone spectral factorization
result. For this reason, analysis in the Fourier domain is also known as spectral or frequency-domain
We highlight the salient applications of frequency-domain analysis below.
1. Detection of oscillatory or periodic components in measurements: Determining the presence
of periodicities in a measurement is highly infeasible using a pure time-domain analysis due
to the presence of noise and multiple frequency components. This is one of the most widely
encountered problems in all spheres of engineering and science. In climatology, we are inter-
ested in knowing the periodicity of climatic phenomena; in health monitoring of control loops,
the first step is to detect loops with oscillatory outputs (Tangirala, Shah and Thornhill, 2005);
fault detection and diagnosis of vibration machinery and several other mechanical equipments
rely on monitoring of frequency content of measurements (Randall, 2011); biomedical signals
such as EEG and ECG are primarily characterized by their frequency content (Blinowska and
Zygierewicz, 2012) and so on. Among the dierent tools used in these applications, Fourier
transform occupies the most prominent and indispensable place.

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