Co-Owner Transfers

At times, it becomes necessary to buy out a partner's interest. The methods available for purchasing other shareholder's interests are known as co-owner transfers. This discussion covers acquiring both equal and unequal partner interests. In the absence of a written ownership agreement, a minority interest holder is at the mercy of the controlling shareholder. Further, 50/50 partners without a buy/sell agreement will not have the tools to settle serious disputes. This chapter discusses buy/sell agreements, first refusal rights, and other techniques available to transfer shareholder interests to partners.


A buy/sell agreement among the owners of a business fixes the owners’ rights with respect to each other and the business. A buy/sell agreement is important to the owners of a private business because it can serve the dual purposes of restricting the transfer of stock to undesirable parties and providing a ready market for the stock sale. If the agreement provides a practical framework for owners, it can resolve a number of issues that might otherwise lead to later conflict. The primary purposes of buy/sell agreements are to:

  • Transition business ownership while continuing the operation of the business.
  • Create liquidity and a market to sell a business interest.
  • Determine the triggering events that will activate the buy/sell.
  • Set a price, or formula for determining price, for the business interest.
  • Protect against unwanted new partners. ...

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