Apache Phoenix is a coating of traditional SQL-like syntactic sugar applied to Hadoop’s HBase NoSQL database. It was created as an internal project at Salesforce, later open-sourced on GitHub, and became a top-level Apache project in a very short period of time. HBase, the Hadoop database, is a highly-scalable NoSQL database. You can query HBase data using Phoenix with a syntax similar to SQL as used for relational databases. Apache Phoenix provides a JDBC driver and works as an SQL driver to HBase. Phoenix queries are optimized ...
© Shakil Akhtar and Ravi Magham 2017
Shakil Akhtar and Ravi Magham, Pro Apache Phoenix, 10.1007/978-1-4842-2370-3_2
2. Using Phoenix
Shakil Akhtar1 and Ravi Magham2
(1)Bangalore, Karnataka, India
(2)Santa Clara, California, USA
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