We have seen how phoenix can help us for big data analysis by writing simple easy to use queries and other features for handling HBase storage data in an efficient way. The important thing for any database query engine is its performance and how this can support increasing load with optimal performance. Phoenix provides many configurations and suggests many ways by which we can meet our performance SLAs. This chapter is all about performance and available phoenix tools to understand phoenix internal tuning, debugging, and ...
© Shakil Akhtar and Ravi Magham 2017
Shakil Akhtar and Ravi Magham, Pro Apache Phoenix, 10.1007/978-1-4842-2370-3_9
9. Tools & Tuning
Shakil Akhtar1 and Ravi Magham2
(1)Bangalore, Karnataka, India
(2)Santa Clara, California, USA
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