

Advanced data binding

BindingExpression object, 398


CanExecute property, 408

CommandParameter, 408, 409

DelegateCommand, 410411

Execute method, 409

ICommand interface, 407, 408

InvokeCommandAction, 408

SelectedItem property, 409

TestCommand command, 409

data sources tool, 402403

DataContext property, 379

debugging issues

breakpoints, 404406

data binding errors, 404

troubleshooting tips, 406407

dynamic properties

CustomTypeHelper class, 390

ICustomTypeProvider interface, 389

INotifyPropertyChanged interface, 390

SetPropertyValue method, 390

ElementName, 380381


fallback values, 392

StringFormat property, 390392

TargetNullValue property, 392

GetBindingExpression and SetBinding methods, 398

getting and setting, ...

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