© Nikhil Pathania 2017

Nikhil Pathania, Pro Continuous Delivery, 10.1007/978-1-4842-2913-2_3

3. HA Jenkins Setup Using CoreOS, Docker, and GlusterFS

Nikhil Pathania

(1)Bangalore, Karnataka, India

Highly available (Active/Passive) setup using Pacemaker, Corosync, and DRBD discussed in the previous chapter is a stable and proven solution. Nevertheless, in this chapter we are going to try something new and exclusive; we are going to build a highly available (HA) Jenkins Server using CoreOS, Docker, and GlusterFS. For the first time you'll see how the clustering feature of CoreOS is utilized to achieve a HA setup for Jenkins. We will start the chapter by discussing a HA design along with a few failover scenarios. This will give you clarity on how to ...

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