© Pierluigi Riti 2018
Pierluigi RitiPro DevOps with Google Cloud Platformhttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-3897-4_5

5. Continuous Delivery with GCP and Jenkins

Pierluigi Riti1 
Mullingar, Westmeath, Ireland

Continuous delivery, as an extension of continuous integration, is essentially an evolution of the latter and one of the pillars of DevOps. There is a variety of software and tools for putting a CD system in place, such as Travis CI, GoCD, and Bitbucket, but probably the tool most often used is Jenkins. In this chapter, you will see how to use Jenkins to design and define our CD pipeline in Google Cloud Platform (GCP).

An Introduction to Jenkins

Jenkins is probably the most famous software related to continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD). ...

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