
imagesA, B

All-singing, all-dancing table

four-step process, 126

JSON files, 126

key-value pair, 127128

NAViewController, 126

new value, 128

NSDictionary, 130

plist file, 127129

pop-up list, 128

property list file, 127

tableData, 129

user interface, 130131

ViewController Class

collationStringSelector method, 133

finished table view, 137

namesForSection array, 134

nameString object, 134

NAViewController Header File, 131

NSUInteger, 133

numberOfRowsInSection, 135, 136

numberOfSectionsInTableView, 134, 135

SectionData method, 132

sectionForSectionIndexTitle, 135

sectionIndexTitlesForTableView, 135

tableView:cellForRowAtIndexPath, 136

titleForHeaderInSection, ...

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