© Wallace Wang 2019
Wallace WangPro iPhone Development with Swift 5https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-4944-4_14

14. Using WebKit

Wallace Wang1 
San Diego, CA, USA

If you ever used the Safari browser on a Macintosh, iPhone, or iPad, you’ve used an open source framework called WebKit (webkit.​org). To give your apps the power of a complete browser, you can include the WebKit View. By using WebKit View, your apps can display web pages from anywhere on the Internet or simply display web pages stored within your app as HTML (HyperText Markup Language) files.


Xcode actually provides two objects that can display HTML web pages: Web View and WebKit View. Web View is an older and less versatile object that Apple no longer supports. As a result, always ...

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