© Elad Elrom 2016

Elad Elrom, Pro MEAN Stack Development, 10.1007/978-1-4842-2044-3_6

6. CSS, Bootstrap, & Responsive Design

Elad Elrom

(1)New York, USA

In the previous chapter, we covered AngularJS extensively, but we didn’t talk about styling our code. In this chapter, we will cover styling—specifically, Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) classes used by AngularJS. We will also be covering UI Bootstrap, which includes out-of-the-box components such as an accordion or an alert, written in AngularJS by the AngularJS team. These can be used to expedite the development time of your app if it is done according to AngularJS’s best practice recommendations. Lastly, we will be covering responsive design, including the two most used techniques: media quieries ...

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