© Michelle Malcher and Darl Kuhn 2019
Michelle Malcher and Darl KuhnPro Oracle Database 18c Administrationhttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-4424-1_15

15. Materialized Views

Michelle Malcher1  and Darl Kuhn2
Huntley, IL, USA
Morrison, CO, USA
Materialized view (MV) technology was introduced in Oracle Database version 7. This feature was originally called snapshots, and you can still see this nomenclature reflected in some data dictionary structures. An MV allows you to execute an SQL query at a point in time and store the result set in a table (either locally or in a remote database). After the MV is initially populated, you can later rerun the MV query and store the fresh results in the underlying table. There are three main uses for MVs:

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