© Michelle Malcher and Darl Kuhn 2019
Michelle Malcher and Darl KuhnPro Oracle Database 18c Administrationhttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-4424-1_9

9. Views, Synonyms, and Sequences

Michelle Malcher1  and Darl Kuhn2
Huntley, IL, USA
Morrison, CO, USA

This chapter focuses on views, synonyms, and sequences. Views are used extensively in reporting applications and also to present subsets of data to users. Synonyms provide a method of transparently allowing users to display and use other users’ objects. Sequences are often utilized to generate unique integers that are used to populate primary key and foreign key values.


Although views, synonyms, and sequences may not seem as important as tables and indexes, the truth of the matter is that they ...

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