© Christopher Pitt 2021
C. PittPro PHP 8 MVChttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-6957-2_5

5. Building a Validator

Christopher Pitt1  
Verbena Close 1, Stellenberg, Durbanville, Cape Town, South Africa

It’s time to start adding a bit more structure to our application. We’ve been very focused on framework code – which isn’t a bad thing – but it meant that we’ve neglected some of the fundamental things we need to start building a proper website.

Most websites have forms. Let’s make it easier to build and use them to capture user input! First, we’ll need to make an alternative to keeping all of our application code inside the routes file…

What Are Controllers?

We’ve already covered much of the “View” portion of MVC, and we’re going to take a deep dive ...

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