©  Adam Aspin 2020
A. AspinPro Power BI Desktophttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-5763-0_22

22. Using Slicers

Adam Aspin1 
Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire, UK

With your filters in place, you now have some extremely powerful and insightful dashboards ready to be paraded in front of your colleagues, bosses, and clients. Yet static illustrations can only tell a story in a certain way. What you need to clinch the deal or convince an audience is some truly telling interaction with your facts and figures. Once again, Power BI Desktop is the tool of choice, as it highlights the key metrics in your presentation with a single click—and makes your point, simply and elegantly.

Put less breathlessly, you can interact with your filtered data in Power BI Desktop ...

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