© Marten Deinum and Iuliana Cosmina 2021
M. Deinum, I. CosminaPro Spring MVC with WebFluxhttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-5666-4_6

6. Implementing Controllers: Advanced

Marten Deinum1   and Iuliana Cosmina2
MEPPEL, Drenthe, The Netherlands

This chapter looks at some of the more advanced parts of Spring MVC and then shows how to tap into the framework to extend it to suit our needs.

We begin by examining scoped beans and how we can use them to our advantage. Next, we explore how we can add generic functionality (cross-cutting concerns) to our application. For this, we look at interceptors, including how to create them and how to wire them into our application.

No matter how robust or well-thought-out our application is, there will ...

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