Chapter 4: Performing MIDI Operations

In This Chapter

check.png Quantizing MIDI notes

check.png Flattening and restoring MIDI performances

check.png Changing note velocity and duration

check.png Transposing, selecting, and splitting MIDI notes

check.png Adjusting MIDI Real-Time Properties

Pro Tools offers a handful of MIDI operations (located under the MIDI section of the main menu) where you can transform a mediocre track into a stunning performance. (Well, almost, depending on how well you use these operations.) These operations allow you to make changes to the MIDI performance data on a track.

In this chapter, you get a chance to dig in to some of the most powerful MIDI editing operations in Pro Tools. With these operations in hand, you can do some really cool things, such as change the key of a song, alter the characteristics of a performance, or correct timing problems. This chapter also leads you through the MIDI Operations window and shows you how to perform each of the operations in the window.

Getting Used to the MIDI Operations ...

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