

Actor-role diagram (ARD), 47, 50, 51

ADL model. See Arthur D. Little (ADL) lifecycle model

After Action Reviews (AAR)

agenda of, 185186

analysis of performance, 187188

discussion flow, 188

effectiveness, 186

expectations, 186187

organization of, 185

overview, 184185


definition, 56

Repository, 55, 56

Apple, 6

Arthur D. Little (ADL) life-cycle model, 8, 1011


Backup strategies

Balanced scorecard

flexibility, 2526

private sector, use by, 25

public sector, use by, 25

variables, 25

Bayes methods, 363365

Bayesian models, 239240, 286287, 288, 363365

Beta testing

data analysis phase, 249, 261, 263, 266, 268269

goals, defining, 251

monitoring phase, 249

planning phase, 249, 250255

questionnaire, sample, 262f

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