
1.33:1 – Standard aspect ratio where there are four horizontal units for every three vertical units. Also referred to as 4:3 or 4 or 3. Most standard television screens have an aspect ratio of 1.33:1.

1.78:1 – Widescren aspect ratio where there are 16 horizontal units for every nine vertical units. Also referred to as 16:9 or 16 × 9.

4:1:1 – A color sampling ratio where all the luminance information and but one-quarter of chrominance are recorded.

4:2:0 – A color sampling ratio where all the luminance information and but one-quarter of chrominance are recorded.

4:2:2 – A color sampling ratio where all the luminance information and but half of chrominance are recorded. 4:2:0 differs from 4:1:1 in that it does not

4:4:4 – A color sampling ...

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