3The Change of Era Beyond Our Will!

3.1. This new era: symbiotic or chaotic?

3.1.1. Overcoming the right/left duality

Humans were nomadic, then sedentary during a long agrarian period, which led to the “industrial” period. This period is coming to an end in the West, and more particularly in Europe, which has largely commemorated the end of the last world war, a war that will go down in history as the expression of an unconsidered and barbaric euphoria of technology, under the nose of monarchies overwhelmed by new forms of power that are still immature. Since then, other wars have been waged, but the immaterial part of them prevails over the strictly military deployment.

Thus begins a new period that we can call “mobile” in some respects.

We have always been mobile, but nowadays humans travel in a massive way: long- and short-distance trips are becoming commonplace for leisure, work or even weddings.

We are becoming “mobile”, not only because we are moving around more and more and our telephones give us the impression of being able to free ourselves from distances, but also because we are becoming multicultural and multicommunity. Our food is flavored with the flavors of the world, our dependence on the seasons is diminishing, etc.

The sedentary period thus ended with the industrial era: We distanced ourselves from nature and implicitly agreed to become more and more dependent on each other.

This last phase was built on the idea that humans are selfish, that they prioritize ...

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