2The Solution: Productive Failure

Let us start with a little thought experiment. Imagine you are a child, and you love playing with toys. Suppose you were part of an experiment, and I randomly assign you to play in one of two groups: Group 1 or Group 2.

To both the groups, I say: “Hey kids, here is a new toy” (and I show you the toy). You have not seen this toy before. Do you want to play with it? Both groups enthusiastically show they want to play with the new toy.

To Group 1, I say: “Wait, this is a new toy, so let me first show you how to play with it. Watch and learn, and then I will let you play with the toy as you like.” Once I am done showing, I give them the toy and I observe how they play.

To Group 2, I say: “Okay, here’s the toy, ...

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