Chapter 1. What’s the Point?

“You wanted to see me, Ed?”

“Yes, Dan, come right in. As you know, it’s been one year since your last performance appraisal. I want you to know that I’ve been very pleased with your work. I feel I can really count on you when I need something done right.”

“Thanks, Ed. That’s nice to hear.”

“Tell me, how has everything been going on your end? Is there anything you would like to talk about? I’ve got some time now, for a change.”

“Gee, I can’t think of anything right now. Except that . . .”

“What is it, Dan?”

“Well, ever since they moved the coffee machine near my workstation, I’ve been bothered by all the noise and conversation that seem to go along with the coffee.”

“We’ll just move it then. I don’t want one of my top workers ...

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