3Get Organized

There is, of course, always someone who can tell you what you need to do to be more productive and successful. Someone like New Yorker Anthony Pompliano who, one day in June 2018, tweeted a list of nine things that, he said, ‘the most successful people’ do. Here's his list:

  1. Read constantly.
  2. Work out daily.
  3. Are innately curious.
  4. Have laser focus.
  5. Believe in themselves.
  6. Build incredible teams.
  7. Admit they know very little.
  8. Constantly work to improve.
  9. Demand excellence in everything they do.

He got some amusing responses. Here's one from @TechnicallyRon.

The most successful people I've met:

  1. Take good naps.
  2. Eat regular meals.
  3. Enjoy exercise.
  4. Like a good treat.
  5. Covered in fur.
  6. Aren't actually people.
  7. Are golden retrievers.

If ...

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