13.3. Ajax.NET Professional
Ajax.NET Professional (available at www.ajaxpro.info) is an Ajax framework designed for use with the .NET framework, specifically ASP.NET. As with JPSpan and DWR, Ajax.NET allows developers to create classes on the server that can be accessed via the client. This is done by once again abstracting out the communication between client and server, providing cross-browser communication behind the scenes.
This framework uses the .NET version of reflection to inspect the classes and create a JavaScript interface. Ajax.NET Professional also takes advantage of a .NET feature called attributes, which are used to mark specific methods that should be available to the client. This allows developers to concentrate on the true object-oriented design without worrying about exposing sensitive methods to the client.
13.3.1. Using Ajax.NET Professional
To use Ajax.NET Professional, you need to be running IIS version 5 or greater and have the .NET Framework installed. Download the package of DLLs from the web site. There are two sets of DLLs, one for use with .NET 1.1 and one for .NET 2.0. If you already have an ASP.NET project (Visual Studio .NET) or a web site (Visual Studio Web Developer Express or Visual Studio 2005), you can use it with Ajax.NET Professional by referencing the appropriate DLLs. If you are using .NET 1.1, add a reference to AjaxPro.dll to your project; for .NET 2.0, add a reference to AjaxPro.2.dll. This should be done for every project/web site ...
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