Chapter 10. Advanced Web Scripts
Internationalizing Web scripts
Configuring Web scripts
Processing complex HTTP requests
Caching Web scripts
Setting advanced Descriptor options
The primary design goal of the Web Script Framework is to ensure that simple Web scripts are easy to develop, but advanced Web scripts are still possible. Advanced Web scripts support features such as rendering outputs in multiple languages, exposing and adhering to configuration options, and handling HTML form uploads.
This chapter explores the finer details of the Web Script Framework that allow the development of such advanced features.
Internationalization (often abbreviated to I18N) is an important consideration when developing any piece of software, and this includes developing a Web script. For human-readable Web script responses it is often necessary to render the output in the preferred language of the user or the preferred language of the client. This means that human-readable text cannot be placed directly in the Web script response template. Therefore, the Web Script Framework employs the common practice of allowing text to be placed into resource bundles, where a resource bundle exists for each supported language.
This is easily demonstrated by creating a simple Web script that renders an HTML message.
You first need to log in to Alfresco Explorer.
Type the following in your Web browser, and log in with the user name
and passwordadmin
if requested:http://localhost:8080/alfresco ...
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