Chapter 14. Custom Knowledge Base: Getting Started


  • Defining a content model in the Alfresco repository

  • Building a Knowledge Base space template

  • Configuring business process rules

  • Writing articles in Alfresco Explorer

This chapter guides you through the foundation work required as a first step for building a compelling Knowledge Base application. This chapter focuses on the Alfresco repository and Alfresco Explorer. It walks you through the design and implementation of the content model and content rules required to implement a lifecycle for your Knowledge Base articles.

Familiarity with Chapter 13, which discusses levels of customization and their associated terminology, will be helpful to you in working through this chapter. Subsequent chapters build on the foundation work presented in this chapter. They focus on how to customize Alfresco Share to incorporate your Knowledge Base lifecycle within collaborative projects.

This chapter is structured to provide the following sections:

  • Overview—A high-level explanation of the concepts and application extension points that you will use in the example. You don't have to type in any of the code in this section; it is simply provided to help guide along the conversation.

  • Installing the Code—A step-by-step guide to the approach you will need to take in order to install all of the sample code on your own Alfresco installation.

  • Putting It into Action—A walkthrough of your new extensions. Try them out and see what they do!

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