12.2. The Membership Database Schema
The Membership database schema (contained in InstallMembership.sql) deals with storing Membership-specific data. Where overlaps exist with the common table schema (the username and application name), the data is stored using the common tables. As a result, only one additional table is added by Membership: the aspnet_Membership table. There is also a view called vw_aspnet_MembershipUsers that maps most, though not all, of the columns on this table. The vast majority of the Membership database schemas that are installed are for stored procedures used by SqlMembershipProvider.
The aspnet_Membership table is:
CREATE TABLE dbo.aspnet_Membership ( ApplicationId uniqueidentifier NOT NULL FOREIGN KEY REFERENCES dbo.aspnet_Applications(ApplicationId), UserId uniqueidentifier NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY NONCLUSTERED FOREIGN KEY REFERENCES dbo.aspnet_Users(UserId), Password nvarchar(128) NOT NULL, PasswordFormat int NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, PasswordSalt nvarchar(128) NOT NULL, MobilePIN nvarchar(16), Email nvarchar(256), LoweredEmail nvarchar(256), PasswordQuestion nvarchar(256),
PasswordAnswer nvarchar(128), IsApproved bit NOT NULL, IsLockedOut bit NOT NULL, CreateDate datetime NOT NULL, LastLoginDate datetime NOT NULL, LastPasswordChangedDate datetime NOT NULL, LastLockoutDate datetime NOT NULL, FailedPasswordAttemptCount int NOT NULL, FailedPasswordAttemptWindowStart datetime NOT NULL, FailedPasswordAnswerAttemptCount int NOT NULL, FailedPasswordAnswerAttemptWindowStart ...
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