Chapter 6
Building MonoCross Containers
What's In This Chapter?
- Tying together your models, controllers, and views
- Understanding MonoCross platform containers
- Defining your platform-specific views
- Implementing navigation between views
This chapter integrates the user interface designed in Chapter 2, “Designing Your User Experience,” with the models and controllers built in Chapter 5, “Building Shared Applications,” and ties it all together for five different platform implementations. The chapter starts with an explanation of how the views, models, and controllers are set up and managed by MonoCross and moves into how each platform implements the management of the views and controllers.
Following an introduction to how this portion of the framework functions, you learn how to implement views for the customer list and for displaying, adding, changing, and deleting a customer (standard CRUD operations). The sample code includes implementations for Windows console, iOS, Android, Windows Phone, and a WebKit server implementation.
Understanding How It All Fits Together
The Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern describes a single screen and its data in an application, and applications consist of many views, even more data, and some form of navigation between the views. Up to this point you defined a high-level user interface, modeled your data, and constructed a navigational framework as defined in your application and implemented in controllers. The next step is to define your platform-specific ...