Chapter 10
Using MonoCross Utilities
What's In This Chapter?
- Surveying the MonoCross Utilities
- Encrypting sensitive data
- Storing objects to the file system
- Serializing objects
- Tracking application events
- Utilizing network functions
- Multithreading MonoCross applications
Earlier chapters discussed the MonoCross framework and how to use it to design and build cross-platform applications. You learned how to create data services as well as how to consume them. Now it's time to explore the MonoCross Utilities.
The MonoCross Utilities are a collection of service functions that perform basic programming tasks using a common set of interfaces. They are cross-platform in that the same usage in your application correctly functions without the need to write custom code for each platform. This chapter introduces you to the MonoCross Utilities, delves into their interfaces, and clearly and simply shows how to use them in your applications.
The MonoCross Utilities are available for evaluation at See Chapter 3, “Setting Up Your Development Environment” for more information on how to download and install the MonoCross Utilities.
Understanding MonoCross Utilities
The MonoCross Utilities are a collection of interfaces that you use to perform common application functions, such as saving files, serializing objects, making calls to RESTful web service endpoints, and so forth. When you use the MonoCross Utilities in your code, you program to the common interfaces of the utilities ...