Chapter 2. Setting Up Your Development Environment


  • Install the SDKs

  • Install the Flash Extension

  • Create a self-signed digital certificate

  • Joining the iPhone Developer Program

Although you may be ready to begin coding right now, you'll need to do a couple of things before you can begin creating and publishing Android and iOS apps. There are some Software Development Kits (SDKs) to install and developer programs to join. What's more, to test and debug an application that you are developing, you must have the necessary certificates that you can use as part of the publishing process.

This chapter guides you through the process of getting all the necessary gear that you need to begin application development.


If you're preparing to develop for Android, work through this section to set up your development environment.

Installing the AIR SDK

If you don't already have it installed, your first task is to install the Adobe Integrated Runtime (AIR) 2.5 SDK on top of your existing SDK installation. Exactly where depends on which tool you're using.

Before beginning, be sure to download the latest AIR 2.5 SDK from the Adobe website at

Use the latest version of the AIR SDK, which at the time of writing is 2.5.

Flash CS5 Professional

If you use Flash CS5 to build AIR applications, you should first update Flash to the latest available version at

Once you have the latest update, ...

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