
Welcome. If your job or interests involve designing, creating, or testing software, or managing any part of a software development lifecycle, chances are that you’ve heard of Git and, at some level, have tried to use and understand it. This book will help you reach that goal. To put it simply, Professional Git is intended to help you understand and use Git to get your job done, whether that job is a personal project or a professional requirement. In the process, it will also make Git part of your professional comfort zone. Throughout the book, I’ve provided the background and concepts that you need to know (and understand) to make sense of Git, while you learn how to interact with it.

This section will provide you with a quick introduction to the book. It will explain how this book is unique from other books about Git, the intended target audience, the book’s overall structure and content, and some of the value it offers you.

I encourage you to take a few minutes and read through this section. Then, you can dive into the material at your own pace, and build your skills and understanding of Git through the text and the included hands-on labs. Or, if you’d like to quickly see additional information about the range of content, you can browse the table of contents.

Thanks for taking a look at Professional Git.


While many books about Git are already on the market, most are aimed at providing the technical usage of the application as their major ...

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