ability tests 92

accountability 32–3


financial 55–69

management 70–8

accounting rate of return 85

accreditation 14

ACM (Association for Computing Machinery) 9

administration 38

age discrimination 112

All-Party Parliamentary Internet Group 177–8

annual report 55

anti-discrimination legislation 94, 104–13

appraisal schemes 96–8

aptitude tests 92

Architects Act (1997) 18

articles of association 25

assets 57–61

Association for Computing Machinery 9

balance sheet 55

commercial 57–61

for a student 56–7

balancing item 57

BCS (British Computer Society) 9

BCS Code of Conduct 10, 17, 93

and the public interest 11

duty to the profession 12

duty to the relevant authority 12

health and safety issues 144

professional competence and integrity ...

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