9 Asynchronous


  • Introduction to asynchronous programming
  • What is asynchronous programming
  • Asynchronous programming using threads
  • Using asynchronous programming in beans
  • Asynchronous programming in servlets
  • When and where to best use asynchronous techniques


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Although asynchronous programming is not always listed as a design pattern, it has been a popular and important programming model for the past decade. The asynchronous programming model relies on multithreading and executing the given functionality in a separate thread. Not only do multithreaded environments and programming languages take advantage of asynchronous programming techniques, but single-threaded platforms, such as the popular server-side JavaScript platform NodeJS, make good use of asynchronous programming principles.

Java was designed to support multiple threads from its start. However, it failed to provide a simple approach to making asynchronous calls. The Future<T> interface, which was introduced in Java 5, was Java’s first attempt at implementing asynchronous ...

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