20.5. Managing Your Analysis Services Reports
Most likely you are the administrator on your machine and you are able to design, deploy, and view reports on your machines. However, you do not want to provide administrative privileges to all your users. If you are a Report Server administrator, you would need to provide the appropriate access to your report designers who build and deploy reports as compared to the end users who consume the reports. You can also provide certain administrative privileges to certain users on your Report Server machine. Managing your Report Server by itself could be a separate chapter because it is so vast and is not covered completely in this section. You can manage your Reporting Services server via the web interface. In addition you also have the option to connect to your Reporting Services server using SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS). However, in this section you learn a few basic operations of management including defining security permissions on how the reports have to be rendered, as well as creating permissions to end users to view reports that are specifically targeted toward reports built on top of Analysis Services databases. Finally, you learn to automate reports so that they can be delivered to end users on a periodic basis.
20.5.1. Security and Report Execution
First and foremost you need to define the right permissions under which Reporting Services should retrieve the data from Analysis Services. To define the permissions, click ...
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