Chapter 19Mobile Report Design Patterns
Now that you have seen how to design a simple mobile report using the design-first development pattern, we turn our attention to a realistic business report design. You start with a KPI, and then create a mobile report with a Time navigator, Selection list, Number gauges, Time charts, and a gradient heat map using a custom map shape file. Like the example in Chapter 18, you will apply mobile device layouts and then test the report on a phone device. In Chapter 20, you create a series of drill-through reports that provide a navigation path from the KPI, to the new sales trend report, and then all the way down to transactional details.
A key performance indicator, or KPI, is a measurement of an organization's success in a certain area. KPIs typically indicate the status of performance across specific business metrics that may be organized into a visual scorecard or dashboard.
Each KPI is displayed as a tile in a Web Portal folder. Like paginated reports and mobile reports, KPIs are displayed on each user's Favorites page. Figure 19.1 contains call-outs to describe the elements of the “US Bike Sales - 2013” KPI.
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